A great Valentine's Day session: Engaging children in transport, and some Kerb Love!
- Dinah Bornat, Co-director at ZCD Architects - who loves engaging children and young people in transport planning.
"We think about teenagers as young adults, but in many ways they’re still older children".
"Ask them about their travel - they'll tell you things you would never have considered".
Dinah is an architect and researcher with expertise in creating urban spaces with and for children and young people. Her talk examined what needs to change so that a wider range of needs are considered when designing or redesigning streets and other public spaces. - Plus a fascinating Kerb Love-In with our regular Ranty Highwayman infrastructure slot - the good, the bad and the interesting, twitter.com/RantyHighwayman, updating his most popular ever blog posting, Kerb Your Enthusiasm.
- And latest news, including Wales' announcement that all future road-building must not increase carbon emissions, car numbers or speeds, and they must not negatively impact the environment.
YouTube at https://youtu.be/UTcAQQxNR2Y
00:00:00 News Roundup - active travel highlights of the week from around the country
00:18:50 Dinah Borat, ZCD Architects, on Street Design: Why we need to work with Young People
00:52:47 Mark, City Infinity, on The Good, The Bad and The Interesting:
The joy of kerbs special for Valentine's Day
Our YouTube channel is at youtube.com/@activetravelcaf3